Voters across the nation are going to the polls Tuesday (Nov. 8) in elections that will decide which party controls the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate along with gubernatorial races in 36 states as well as other issues.

In the New Orleans area, voters will face a ballot that includes a U.S. Senate seat, a U.S. House district, eight proposed constitutional amendments, judicial elections, a special state Senate election, and more.

What’s on my ballot? Where do I vote?

To see exactly what you’ll be voting on, you can view your individual sample ballot by using this tool at the Louisiana Secretary of State website.  (Please note that the Secretary of State website may be slow to load due to high election day traffic.)

Ballot items will vary from precinct to precinct.

You can use the Louisiana Voter Portal to find where you vote on election day or call your parish Registrar of Voters Office. Your voter information card received by mail lists your polling place.

Know your voting rights:

  • If the polls close while you’re still in line, stay in line. You have the right to vote.
  • If you make a mistake on your ballot, ask for a new one.
  • If the machines are down at your polling place, ask for a paper ballot.
  • If a poll worker says your name is not on the list of registered voters, you can ask for a provisional ballot. (You’re entitled to this provisional ballot, even if you’re not in the poll book).
  • If you run into any problems or have questions on Election Day, call the Election Protection Hotline:
    English: 1-866-OUR-VOTE / 1-866-687-8683
    Spanish: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA / 1-888-839-8682
    Arabic: 1-844-YALLA-US / 1-844-925-5287
    For Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Urdu, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, or Vietnamese: 1-888-274-8683

For more information on exercising your voting rights, resisting voter intimidation efforts, and accessibility assistance at the polls, check out the ACLU’s Know Your Voting Rights resource.

Don’t forget to bring your picture ID to the polls.

Constitutional amendments

The Louisiana Illuminator has a look at the eight proposed amendments to the state constitution on the ballot. You can also download more information on the proposed amendments from the Public Affairs Research Council. 

Slavery is on the ballot in Louisiana, Alabama, Oregon, Tennessee and Vermont, where voters will decide whether to ban the forced labor of incarcerated people. In Louisiana, it’s proposed Constitutional Amendment 7 (see above). Read more about the issue at The Appeal.

Other reading and resources:

Black turnout will likely determine control of the U.S. Senate, analysis from Verite contributor Robert Collins 

2022 Midterm election results from Fox News

Midterm elections 2022: Latest news, updates and results from NBC News

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