Enthusiastic children receive toys from volunteers at The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund annual gift-giving distribution. Credit: Courtesy of Quo Vadis Hollins
A boy admires a Christmas toy he received at The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund annual gift-giving distribution. Credit: Courtesy of Quo Vadis Hollins

It was holiday cheer and merriment at Xavier University’s Convocation Center on Saturday (Dec. 17), as more than 2,500 children, 12 and under, received more than 6,500 toys at The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund annual gift-giving distribution.

Verite’s Director of People and Culture Dylan Penny, left, and Executive Director David Francis help children through the maze of toy selection at The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund annual gift-giving distribution.. Credit: Courtesy of Quo Vadis Hollins

For 127 years, The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund, in partnership with Fox 8 and Entergy, has sought to help New Orleans families most in need during the holiday season. Other sponsors included Verite, Element, Folgers Coffee and Imperial Trading. 

This year the long-standing tradition returned to in-person gift-giving. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the distribution was canceled, but organizers didn’t let that deter them from spreading holiday cheer; children were mailed gift cards along with Santa letters.

Donations are still being accepted to help fund the event. Donations can be mailed to The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund, P.O. Box 61065, New Orleans 70161-9979 or visit www.tpdollandtoyfund.org.

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