Tristan Baurick
Tristan Baurick is a senior reporter focusing on climate change and the environment.
Before joining Verite in 2024, Baurick was a coastal and environment reporter at The Times-Picayune | Nola.com. His special projects included “Water Ways,” a multi-part series with New Orleans Public Radio about water management in the Netherlands; “Winds of Change,” an in-depth look at the potential for offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Mexico, and “The Last Days of Isle de Jean Charles,” a long-form story about the relocation of a Louisiana tribal community.
Baurick has earned first-place awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, National Association of Science Writers and National Headliner Awards. He was part of a reporting team that won the Society of Environmental Journalists’ top overall award and its investigative reporting prize.
He was awarded a year-long Ted Scripps environmental journalism fellowship at the University of Colorado - Boulder and was an MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative fellow in 2021.
He previously worked for newspapers in Washington state, where he covered government affairs, the outdoors, and public lands. His work has also appeared in The New York Times, ProPublica and Audubon magazine.