Who we are

Launched in 2022 as an independent, Black-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit newsroom, Verite News is helping to fill the reporting void left by a shrinking local news media landscape in New Orleans and across the region. Unlike other local news organizations, Verite News is keenly focused on covering inequities facing people of color, LGBTQ+, Native American and other underserved and ignored communities. Listening to these communities, we work to understand their issues and get stakeholders to help affect change.

Large media corporations are beholden to advertisers and paid subscribers so they often overlook stories that impact disenfranchised communities. And smaller news outlets don’t have the resources to adequately cover these underserved communities or address the disparities affecting them.

Powered by seasoned journalists, marketing experts, and business strategists, Verite News, with free website access to all, has garnered the support of prominent organizations such as the Ford Foundation, Institute for Nonprofit News, American Journalism Project, Kellogg Foundation, and Arnold Ventures. The Verite News staff is making a meaningful impact with its steadfast commitment to amplifying the voices and reporting on the challenging issues that are often dismissed and ignored.

Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

Our bi-weekly newsletter that delivers on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings.

Our weekly newsletter that delivers on Saturday mornings.

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Porch Poppin’:
Hosts EJ Johnson and DC Paul recap the week’s biggest Verite News stories from the porch as a supporting role in Verite’s social media news consumption. Engage with the team for sponsored Porch Poppin’ EXTRAS to expand your event coverage. Start a conversation with us today.

Advertise across veritenews.org and our mobile app with a digital ad placement. Start a conversation with us to discuss custom solutions. Verite News’ social platforms are primarily used to engage readers with news coverage from our website. Occasionally, our social platform may be deployed for paid branding engagements. These social posts are clearly marked as paid to maintain a clear distinction between news content and branded sponsored content.

Partner Stories allow sponsors to reach Verite News’ audience through brand paid messaging in the form of written articles. Article will feature sponsors bio and byline. The story will be promoted on the homepage of veritenews.org. Align your brand today and start a conversation with us.


Each year, Verite News endeavors to organize events across our region, highlighting our team’s talent and fostering dialogue with community intellectuals and local leaders. Our initiatives span from interactive public newsroom gatherings that influence our journalism, to comprehensive journalism surveys investigating current issues with thoroughness and insight. Additionally, we actively participate in and promote local community events aimed at bridging inequalities in our area.

Our audience

Verite News centers reader experience at the heart of everything we do. Our audience is essential to the stories we report, and we aim to reach them in ways that make accessing the news free and a regular way of life. We do this through our dynamic website, text messaging, newsletters, web alerts, video content, social media and mobile app. Verite also has expanded community engagement reach with valuable partners, such as, but not limited to, WVUE Fox 8, WWNO 89.9, WWL AM, WYES Informed Sources, ProPublica and the Marshall Project.

Who funds us

Verite News accepts gifts, grants, and sponsorships from individuals, organizations, and foundations to support our general operations, coverage of specific topics, and special projects. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit operating as a public trust, we are exempt from certain taxes and may receive funds from standard government programs available to nonprofits. We disclose all revenue sources and donors contributing $1,000 or more annually. To maintain our journalistic integrity, we refrain from accepting charitable donations from anonymous sources, government entities, political parties, elected officials, or candidates seeking public office. Additionally, we decline donations that our board of directors determines could create conflicts of interest or compromise our independence.

Verite News is part of the Deep South Today network of newsrooms. Deep South Today (EIN #47-2158741) was originally incorporated as the Mississippi News and Information Corporation on Oct. 3, 2014, and was granted its exemption from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code on March 6, 2015.

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Advertising Terms & Conditions

Deep South Today Advertising and Promotional Terms and Conditions

All advertising and promotional orders accepted by Deep South Today dba Verite News and/or Mississippi Today (hereafter “Deep South Today” or “Publisher”) are accepted subject to the terms and conditions set forth below (hereafter the “Agreement”). If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any insertion order or other documents provided by the advertiser or its agent, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall govern. For the avoidance of doubt, submission of any advertising or promotional orders constitutes an acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. No preprinted or referenced terms or conditions in any insertion order, reservation orders, blanket contracts, instructions, or documents other than this Agreement will be binding on Deep South Today.

The parties agree as follows:

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Please allow a minimum of 7 days for launch of any advertising or promotional materials. The advertiser and or agency must submit all such materials at least 7 business days prior to launch date to allow for proper scheduling and review. Holidays may require an extended period between submission and launch dates. The advertiser and/or agency must furnish all necessary copy, artwork, and components essential for advertising and promotion production by the applicable submission deadline.
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All advertising placements and promotional services are for cash in advance. Rates and restrictions are subject to change at any time, at the discretion of Deep South Today. The advertiser and its agency are jointly and severally liable to pay to Deep South Today’s publications the costs of advertising and promotions placed with Deep South Today’s publications in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.

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Deep South Today shall not be held liable for failure to publish any advertisement or participate in any promotional activity, and it shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from non-publication or non-participation, any consequential, incidental, special, or indirect damages of any kind arising under or in connection with this Agreement or its publications or its participation in any promotional events or activities, or any other damages in excess of the fees actually paid to Deep South Today or its publications hereunder for the relevant advertisements or promotional activities during the six (6) months preceding the date the claim first arose.

The Publisher disclaims responsibility for any omission or errors in advertisements and promotions. No credit will be provided for such errors.

The advertiser and agency jointly and severally commit to defending and indemnifying Deep South Today against all liabilities and expenses, including judgments, attorney’s fees, and costs, arising from claims related to the contents of any published or displayed advertisements or promotions submitted by the advertiser or agency.
The advertiser and agency assume sole responsibility for all statements, endorsements, and other claims contained in the advertisements or promotions they submit for publication and commit to defending and indemnifying Deep South Today from liability, loss, or expense stemming from claims of libel, false advertising, unfair trade practices, unfair competition, trademark, copyright, or patent infringement, and privacy rights violations resulting from the publication of the advertisements and promotions they submit.

Additionally, the Publisher shall not be held liable for any damages of any kind, arising out of or resulting from any claim of a third party related to or arising out of the Publisher’s participation in any promotional events or activities, such as trade shows attended by Publisher, including any such claims arising from the Publisher’s negligence.

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All orders accepted under this Agreement are subject to acts of God, fires, strikes, accidents, and other occurrences beyond Publisher’s control (whether like or unlike any of those enumerated herein) that prevent Publisher from partially or completely producing, publishing, or distributing Verite News’ publications and periodicals. Publisher will have no liability for any delay or failure resulting from the foregoing occurrences.

If insertion orders, reservation orders, blanket contracts, instructions or documents are executed on behalf of the advertiser by its agency, the agency represents and warrants that it has the authority to bind the advertiser to the terms of this Agreement and agrees to indemnify the Verite News from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees arising out of any actual or alleged breach of the foregoing warranty.

General Provision
This Agreement represents the entire agreement between Verite News and the advertiser and replaces any prior agreement or proposed variation. This Agreement may be modified, altered, or amended only by mutual written agreement executed by Verite News and the advertiser or their respective designees. Nothing in this Agreement shall create an agency, partnership, or joint venture between Verite News and the advertiser or agency.

This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of Louisiana without regard to conflict of law statutes. If any portion of this Agreement is declared illegal, void or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will not be affected, but will remain in full force and effect.